Our Mission
Mercy Holistic Ministry's mission is to provide basic socio-economic and environmental services such as health, education, food, cloth, and natural resource conservation to the poor households, orphans, street children, senior citizens and their families living in rural and urban centers with the intention to achieve both physical and spiritual well-being of the people. Mercy Holistic Ministry also inspires to spread the words of God in communities that reside in unreachable areas of the county. The ultimate goal of Mercy Holistic Ministry is to create a sustainable and diversified livelihood system among the target beneficiary communities through the provision of technical, material, and spiritual support.
Our History
Berhanu, Miheret, and their family are originally from Ethiopia, and moved to
Sacramento, California from Dubai in 2007. With a passion for helping people who are
in need, they aspire to be a bridge between the homeless community and available
resources. Their ultimate vision is to show the love of Christ for everyone and to see a
people’s lives changed to where they can stand on their own feet.